[OPIC] 8월 1주차 금요일 스터디 준비
2023. 8. 4. 00:44ㆍ카테고리 없음
🍪 토픽질문 - 운동걷기1개 / 공원가기1개
- 운동걷기: In your background survey, you mentioned that you enjoy jogging. Do you have a specific place you like to jog? Where is it located? Provide me with as many details as possible.
- 설문 조사에서 조깅을 즐긴다고 말했습니다. 조깅하기 좋아하는 특정한 장소가 있나요? 어디에 위치해 있나요? 저에게 가능한 한 많은 세부사항을 제공해주세요.
- 예상답변: i love to jog because it gives me the time and space to not think about the world. when the world becomes difficult, i put on my jogging shoes, put on my earphones, and start running, no matter where i am. when i run, it feels like i am floating in the air, and i can go anywhere. i like to jog by the river. when the weather is nice, there are a lot of people. when the river is crowded, i go jogging at the back of my neighborhood. there is a stretch between the neighborhood and the mountains. the land is very flat. perfect for jogging.
- 공원가기: please tell me about something interesting or memorable that has happened at a park. when was it? what were you doing? who were you with? please describe why it was so memorable in detail.
- 당신이 공원에서 겪었던 흥미롭거나 기억에 남는 일을 말해주세요. 언제 있었던 일인가요? 당신은 무엇을 하였나요? 누구와 함께 있었나요? 가장 기억에 남는 일을 구체적으로 설명해주세요.
🍪 돌발질문
- Describe what you do to maintain a clean and comfortable home. what types of household chores do you do?
- 당신이 깨끗하고 편안한 집을 유지하기위해 하는일을 설명해주세요. 어떤 종류의 집안일을 하나요?
- were you given household chores as a child? what did you do? how did you complete them?
- 어렸을때 맡았던 집안일이 있나요? 당신을 무었을 했나요? 어떻게 그 일을 완료했나요?
- when you were a child, did you ever get in trouble for not doing your chores? talk about what ocurred.
- 당신이 어렸을때, 집안일을 하지 않아서 혼났던 경험이 있나요? 상황을 설명해주세요.